Joe Classon

Richard Marcus is a gambler and born hustler who discovered various ways to cheat the casinos and make huge profits. He developed various casino strategies that helped him win successfully at blackjack, baccarat, poker roulette and other popular casino games. Over the past 20 years, he scammed casinos for millions of dollars and he was never caught. You can found more info here.

Richard Marcus biggest casino cheater ever. He did some of the greatest casino scams, read Richard Marcus bio and life story as the biggest cheater ever! Joe Classon then conducts negotiations to trap the Casino by making Richard as one of his crime partners.

Let’s start with the early life of Richard Marcus, the most successful casino cheater, ever!


Early gaming life

Growing up, Richard developed a lot of interest in gambling. He was so addicted to gambling that he actually placed bets with his parents and friends on virtually anything he could think of.

Interestingly, most times he won the bets. At some point, he also placed a bet on the colour of a car that will turn to a corner with his parents while they were driving.

Gambling at the casino paradise, Las Vegas

During his free period at school, he played craps with his friends. He spent so much time gambling that his studies started suffering. He spent the latter part of his teenage life gambling on the racetrack. One day, lady luck smiled on him and he won a whopping $30,000.

The $30,000 win at the racetrack was the boost Richard needed to take a bold step. He travelled to Las Vegas to follow his dream where he played at various glamorous casinos in search of fortune. Unfortunately, he lost his entire bankroll. He was homeless for months and had a lot of time to reflect on his losses.

Richard Marcus quote: “ If you can’t spot the sucker at the table, then the sucker is probably you!”

He later went to become a blackjack and baccarat dealer at the Four Queens Hotel and Casino. This move was very crucial because he got an idea of the role a dealer played at the casinos.

He became friends with other dealers who knew how to swindle money from players in a casino. This knowledge gave him the idea of how to cheat and win in every casino in the world!

Acquaintances with Joe Classon

While Richard was working as a dealer at the Four Queens Hotel and Casino, Joe Classon came to his table with the aim of cheating. Joe saw how talented Richard was and decided to let him on his plan. They instantly allied and Richard perfected their plan.

Joe Classon and his team were one of the biggest casino scammers in the USA.

Richard’s role was to pre-stack the cards in a way that Joe and his accomplices will win. The first time they won about $21,000. They developed more strategies and their alliance became stronger. Their strategy included placing bets when it was too late and a wrong to do so.

ClassonJoe Classon

Joseph Classen Photography

He spent hours and days in other casinos honing his skills. After working with Joe for 12 years, they parted ways. He hoped to form his team. After much practising, he became so good that he won at any casino with the tricks he had developed.

Joe Classen Alaska

Laters days of Richard’s cheating casino career

There is a popular saying “every day for the thief, one day for the owner”. This was eventually the case of Richard and his accomplices. They were eventually caught.

Richard didn’t feel any remorse for his actions; instead, he put down his entire experience in a book called “American Roulette: How I Turned the Odds Upside Down”. The book was published in 2004. He also contributed to other books like “Identity Theft Inc.” These books have become popular and are available online too.

Richard Marcus quote: “ I am not an angel, i am far from a saint, i am crooked, i am a casino cheater, a thief…


The last time Richard used his tricks on a casino was on the 31st day of December 1999. The name of the casino where he last played was not released but records about his escapades were known. Richard is blacklisted from playing in any casino in the state of Nevada.


  • The Book s “Identity Theft Inc” and American Roulette written by Richard Marcus

Winners never cheat, cheaters never win!

This saying is not far from truth though the exceptions have place of course: these people are famous for being blackjack cheaters and using various cheating methods in order to beat blackjack and win much money illegally. Some of them were caught by casino security systems, some of them were able to stay unnoticed; anyway, each of them has left his own footprint at the history of blackjack.

Are they heroes or pariahs? It is up to you to make conclusions.

Joe Classon

Do You Know Them?

Jerry Palmer

This person is known as the author of a pastposting move at blackjack casino game; he was the member of a well-known cheating team of Joe Classon which practiced craps and roulette first, but Jerry Palmer had made blackjack being their main game of choice. He is considered to be the inventor of some cheating techniques which are used by blackjack cheaters today; Mr. Palmer was a very successful blackjack cheater but he soon left the cheating business. Jerry Palmer died because of drug overdose in 1994.

Joe Classon

It was not difficult for this person to cheat casinos at blackjack and other casino games (craps and roulette in particular) because he was the leader of the most successful pastposting team in the history of gambling. Together with Jerry Palmer he beat casinos out of really huge money in 1969-89's. Pastposting technique was the main one used by Joe Classon and his team (it must be added that his wife was also the member of the team) though they used other cheating methods too.

Dustin Marks

This person can be deservedly called being one of the best blackjack cheaters ever because he had not been caught by pit bosses though worked as a casino dealer himself. Dustin Marks used such cheating methods as second dealing and false shuffling when worked in Las Vegas casinos in 1970's-1980's. Nobody would know about him being a good blackjack cheater if he did not write and published the book Cheating at Blackjack & Other Casino Games where he told everything about his career.

Phuong Quoc Truong

This person was a leader of the largest scamming organization which worked with the aim of beating blackjack illegally. His team was called to be Tran Organization and it had been operating for 6 years (2002-2007). The interesting fact is that even casino employees worked for Tran Organization as they were bribed; anyway, such a big cheating operation could not stay unnoticed for a long time: all members were finally caught, and all their secrets were revealed.

Roland 'Rico' Chapa

This person can not be called being a very lucky blackjack cheater though the police had been trying to catch him for over 30 years. Roland Chapa was a bookmaker and gangster who was caught in 2008 when tried to cheat at blackjack during the St. Timothy Church festival: he was noticed to have 2 particular cards during one game of blackjack. Chapa had King of Diamonds and Ace of Spades; when he was asked to show his pockets, everyone noticed he had some additional cards with him.